Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Potlatch Report

By way of Chimpo and some other ballin' alums comes this report out of Potlatch in Seattle a few weeks back. I'll hopefully be posting the story of the undergrad trip to MARS soon. Til then, enjoy. - lamar

Dear Dartmouth Ultimate,

Report from Potlach '07.
Best tournament outside of the College series that I (chimpo) have ever been to. Seriously, next year, you want to come to this tourney. Alums and undergrads, old friends and new ones all meet under wonderful Seattle summer weather, and the ultimate is goooooood. Like the traditional Native American gathering that the tournament takes its name from, every team competes to give the best gifts to each other. With the help of Flan, Colin, and Raindog, the Dalums gave the gifts of horfing and rice krispees treat beer cozies.

(from Geoff, '94) Note to older Dalums: it is fun as hell to play with a team of young alums -
they run fast and do all the hard work, and they're nice to you just for
showing up! Let me guess: you already knew that.

Thanks to Colin and everyone else for the warm reception!

Here are the stats I have, for those interested:

CoPow - captain
Ariel Dowling
Alex Price
Lorraine and friend Sean
Nate Merril
Brain Greeno
Mike D
Geoff (2 games only)
Sorry if I missed anybody...these are the names I can remember.

Saturday 1-3
round 1: lost to last years tournament winners.
round 2: beat Whitman alums. We were behind until we started going 3-4 with four female cutters in a ho-stack. Our women ate their women for breakfast. 16-14
round 3: Lost to a team of 18 Junior Worlds players and Miranda Roth. If you want to know what it's like to play against a team filled with Nora's and Nate Raines', ask any of the people above. The under 19 year olds then beat 3 teams of Dalums in rolling rock and flutterguts.
round 4: bye
round 5: lost to "road runners & coyotes" 9-15 - we should have done better but
played flat - Abbie Roberts '98 was one of the roadrunners!

Sunday C-pool
round 1: beat "soflo," from Florida/Columbia 15-9 - fun game, we were clicking. Tried to play shooters during a time-out. Had to stop after one of the guys from Miami couldn't figure out the rules.
round 2: vs. UPenn alums - Lost 14-13 thanks to hard cap you-lose-even-if-you-score-this-point rules. We were coming back. Had lost a few players to injuries and early flights, but never let up. I saw lots of heart, and lots of pride in this game.

Finally, some brief, unmissable moments.
After Whitman game. Chimpo taking on 5' girl in disc jousting (with wierd rules). As soon as they say go, Chimpo kicks the disc out of girl's hand. Girl swears at Chimpo. Her team gets ready to fight. Chimpo looks confused. They didn't say no kicking.
At tourney party. Vi and Masi running against A. Price's racewalk (which he still does competitively). Price wins by a landslide.
After tourney party. Someone (hoffer? copow?) comes home and yells "CRANK, WAKE UP (x20)". Crank doesn't wake up. Everyone else does.
After Geoff came by. Geoff learns that everyone knows about Rodney, then perfectly imitates Rodney's stationary forehand fake. Young alums then ask a 50 questions of other legends like Stu Downs, Ray Wagner, Lars, among others.

Geoff Wittreich '94
Chimpo P Cahill '07


At 11:26 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i'm sure no one will ever read this, but when chimpo kicked that girls hand i think i peed myself


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