Monday, June 09, 2008

Summer Plans

Howdy do, Pain Trainers old and new. Just a few things about the summer - read up and then get back to sitting around in the air conditioning with the DVDs and the computer nonsense, or whatever it is you kids do these days.
Basically, if you are interested in trying out for the Pain Train next year, or just interested in getting better at ultimate, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to work as hard as you like. We'll be posting some detailed workout plans here and on the team website, as well as some general tips and so forth. But aside from all that, here's what you do: throw, and live your life strenuously.

Throwing - do it every day. Do it as much as possible. And do it in such a way that you are not consistently hitting your target. That means stepping out further, releasing lower and quicker, etc. Tossing is wonderful and fun, but only by pushing your comfort level can you quickly improve.

Living - also do this every day. Basically, if you are biking down to the library (nerd), do it quickly and work up a sweat. If you're playing soccer, do it for real. Go for runs. Take big steps and set a fast pace on any hikes you can. In general, you can do some great training by just focusing on making the minutiae of every day work for you.

And above all else, have fun. Holy balls, I haven't even met any of the '12s yet (and good for you if you're reading this), but I am just so pumped. AHHHHH. Keep checking back here for updates on workouts, thoughts on the summer and, eventually, a tedious recapping of Regionals and Nationals that will allow us to relive our season.

Questions? Hit me and the other captains up. Twelve, Dermo or Misha.Sid , all (at)
