Sunday, April 13, 2008

Practice Report April 13

The Pain Train headed out to Kilowatt fields again today, again short of a full cohort but just barely able to reach the magic number of 14 with the inclusion of Capitan Emeritus Ranger. Started with a basically O vs. D scrimmage to 3, a bunch of miscues on this one. Then, after some minor personnel swaps, we ran it to 3 again, with promised punishments for any and all turnovers. O line had two turns, both enormous lay out Ds from McLargeHuge, and good heads up-ness by the D line saved two other turns (arguably even three). Ran some 5-10s as punishment.
Then, in the last scrimmage, we mandated everyone play zone, and there were no fast breaks. Worked in the Box and 1 we saw from the boys from Cambridge, and both sides generated a lot of turns, which is both exciting and worrying. Now is when we work.

Anyways, punishment this time was kill drill, we ran 20 double cuts, catches and throws. Nick Brown showed up just in time to not play a single point but to get to run this workout.

Good stuff, train. Oh, and it was Bullocks Day. Nice.



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